Okinawa , Japan


A Serene, Tropical, Unique visit to Okinawa.

Karate Tile Breaking Okinawa

Karate Tile Breaking Okinawa

Shurijo Castle Okinawa


Lush, Enchanting Okinawa

Part two of my Japan journey kicks off with an exciting flight on Japan Airlines from Haneda to Okinawa. Okinawa, situated in the southern part of Japan, is a tropical paradise surrounded by the East China Sea. The flight from Tokyo's Haneda Airport to Okinawa typically takes around 2 to 2.5 hours, this was a relatively short yet scenic journey to this enchanting destination. As the plane descended I was greeted by Okinawa's turquoise waters, coral reefs, and lush landscapes, marking the beginning of a memorable exploration in this unique region.

Upon arrival, a swift transition awaited us as we were promptly whisked away for a delightful lunch at a local restaurant. The meal featured delicious Japanese noodles, a comforting and flavoursome treat, especially after an early start to the day.

Our Okinawa adventure kicked off with a dynamic visit to Karate Kaikan, immersing ourselves in the essence of Okinawan martial arts. Witnessing a captivating karate demonstration set the tone for an engaging experience. Following that, we had the unique opportunity to don traditional uniforms and master the art of breaking roof tiles—an exhilarating endeavor that added a hands-on dimension to our exploration of Okinawa's rich cultural heritage. The combination of observation and participation made our visit to Karate Kaikan a truly unforgettable experience, delving deep into the heart of Okinawan martial arts.

Our journey continued with an exploration of the magnificent Shurijo Castle, a captivating step into Okinawa's rich history. After soaking in the cultural splendours, our next adventure led us to an Awamori brewery, where we indulged in the flavours of traditional Okinawan spirits. The seamless transition from castle exploration to savouring authentic spirits added an enriching layer to our Okinawa experience, creating a perfect blend of heritage and local delights.

Wrapping up our day's escapades, we took a delightful detour to the Shuri Textile Museum. Here, we not only had the chance to dive into the world of textiles but also discovered our inner fashionistas with a hilarious yet endearing transformation into traditional costumes. To add a musical twist to our cultural crash course, we bravely attempted to master the art of playing the sanshin—an adventure that left us with newfound respect for Okinawa's artistic traditions, and perhaps a few amusing musical memories! (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star will never sound the same!)

Our next stop whisked us away to the charming Hyatt Hotel in Naha, where a swift change preceded an exquisite private dinner. The culinary journey unfolded with a delectable Japanese risotto, succulent abalones, sautéed lobster, ‘Sagagyu’ sirloin, an array of cheeses, and a divine matcha cake. Each dish was a symphony of flavours, a feast for the senses, making our evening at the Hyatt Hotel a truly memorable and indulgent experience.

It was then time to surrender to a truly blissful night of sleep.


Traditional Okinawa Costume

Japanese Cuisine Hyatt Regency Naha

Japanese Cuisine Hyatt Regency Naha


Adventures in Okinawa

My next adventure involved whale watching near Zamami Island, but unfortunately, the weather was not on our side.

Swiftly adapting to the weather hiccup, Visit Okinawa seamlessly arranged an alternative plan for us – a captivating visit to the Churaumi Aquarium. Dr. Kobayashi, brimming with passion for humpback whales, treated us to an incredibly informative talk. Her enthusiasm echoed through the aquarium's fantastic exhibition, turning an unforeseen change into an enlightening experience.

During our journey back to the hotel, we were fortunate enough to catch a fleeting glimpse of the initial signs of cherry blossoms, teasing the arrival of this enchanting and ephemeral beauty.

Our adventure took an exciting turn as we stepped into the realms of culinary delight at Restaurant Mie, where Traditional Ryukyu Kingdom Cuisine awaited us. Imagine a feast that not only tantalized the taste buds but also transported us back in time, offering a culinary journey through the rich history of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

The evening unfolded with a symphony of flavours, each dish telling a story of Okinawa's cultural tapestry. From savoury delights that danced on the palate to sweet indulgences that left a lingering joy, every bite was a step into the vibrant legacy of Ryukyuan gastronomy.

The ambiance at Restaurant Mie was equally enthralling – a perfect blend of traditional charm and modern comfort. As we revelled in the culinary masterpieces, it felt like we were not just having a meal but participating in a gastronomic celebration of Okinawan heritage.

Our taste buds became time travellers, journeying through the centuries as we savoured recipes passed down through generations. The attentive staff added a touch of warmth, making the evening not just a dining experience but a delightful immersion into the heart of Okinawan culinary artistry.

As we bid farewell to Restaurant Mie, our stomachs content and spirits lifted, we couldn't help but marvel at how our trip had taken an unexpected turn toward a gastronomic adventure, leaving us with a newfound appreciation for the flavours of Okinawa. Truly, an evening spent savouring Traditional Ryukyu Kingdom Cuisine was a feast for the senses and an unforgettable highlight of our journey.


Cherry Blossom Okinawa

Traditional Ryukyu Kingdom Cuisine


The Streets of Naha

Our final day in Okinawa unfolded as a captivating walking tour through the enchanting Yachimun Street and bustling Kokusai Street. Yachimun Street, adorned with quaint pottery shops and studios, offered a glimpse into the rich tradition of Okinawan ceramics. The air was filled with the earthy aroma of handmade treasures, inviting us to explore the artistic heritage that has thrived on this charming street.

Turning onto Kokusai Street, the atmosphere transformed into a lively tapestry of shops, markets, and vibrant energy. This bustling thoroughfare is the heartbeat of Naha, lined with an array of boutiques, eateries, and souvenir shops. The lively ambiance and diverse array of goods showcased the fusion of modern and traditional Okinawan culture, creating a dynamic and lively experience.

As we strolled through the streets, each step felt like a journey through Okinawa's past and present. Yachimun Street and Kokusai Street stood as vibrant reflections of the island's unique blend of heritage, craftsmanship, and contemporary vitality. Our leisurely walk became a visual feast, filled with discoveries and the warm embrace of Okinawa's cultural charm.

Strolling Yachimun Street

Strolling Yachimun Street

Makishi Local Market Okinawa


Lunch at Makishi Market

Our culinary escapade took a delightful turn as we ventured into the lively Makishi Market. Surrounded by an incredible array of vibrant, fresh seafood, it was like stepping into a gastronomic wonderland. The colorful displays of fish seemed to be engaged in a lively dance, each one telling a tale of the ocean's bounty.

After being mesmerized by the aquatic spectacle, it was decision time – we were on a mission to select the perfect fish for our lunch feast. Channeling our inner seafood connoisseurs, we carefully scrutinized the options, seeking the freshest catch that would soon grace our plates.

With our chosen treasures in tow, we handed them over to the talented chefs who transformed our selections into culinary masterpieces. It was not just a meal; it was an interactive culinary journey, where we played a role in curating our own dining experience.

As we sat down to savor the fruits of our Makishi Market adventure, the flavors came alive in a symphony of tastes. Each bite was a celebration of Okinawa's rich maritime heritage, a feast that transcended mere sustenance and became a culinary tale of the sea.

The Makishi Market lunch wasn't just about eating; it was about immersing ourselves in the vibrant spirit of Okinawa, exploring the market's offerings, and curating a meal that would be etched in our memories. It was a culinary adventure where the market's bounty became our own personalized feast, making our visit not just a meal, but an entertaining and interactive journey through Okinawa's seafood delights.

As we gracefully conclude our time in Okinawa, it's with a sense of gratitude and anticipation that we turn our compass towards Amami. The memories we've woven on these vibrant islands become treasures, and as we bid farewell to Okinawa, we carry its essence with us. Next stop: Amami, where new adventures await, and the journey continues. Until we meet again, Okinawa.


Amami-Oshima, Japan


Tokyo , Japan